Join us!
We're delighted that you've decided to join the Georgia Hosta Society! We think you'll really enjoy attending our educational and fun meetings, participating in our annual sale and judged hosta show, acquiring plants in the many ways we've arranged, taking some tours with us, and checking out our members-only benefits, including our newsletter, our blog, our discussion forum, and our member profiles.
Our individual membership for a year is only $15. All who live in the same household can join through a family membership for only $25. Just fill out the information below. If you are a new member, please make sure you include your contact data so we can include you in newsletters and other correspondence.
If you want more information on the Georgia Hosta Society, e-mail our communications coordinator, Scott Smith at [email protected]
Now is the time to renew your membership. The deadline is March 2025.


The Constitution and By-Laws of the Georgia Hosta Society govern the activities managed by a Board of Directors elected from and by the active membership of the Society. The 14-person Board meets a minimum of four times a year, typically a month prior to the four meetings of the general membership. The Board is responsible for the management of the assets, both fiscal and physical (leaf show equipment and supplies), of the Society. Duties include arranging for venues for meetings and events, as well as organizing programs, educational clinics, and tours. Editing and distributing the Society’s newsletter “Georgia Hosta Notes” is also a commission of Board members.
Related Sites

American Hosta Society
The American Hosta Society offers participation in all national activities, including a multi-day convention being held in East Peoria, IL, in 2025. Jointly sponsored by the American Hosta Society, Midwest Regional Hosta Society, and the Central Illinois Hosta Society, this year’s convention features tours of stellar hosta gardens, noted speakers, judging clinics, a juried hosta show, hosta plant sales, and an auction, plus a celebration event. Registration is available at the AHS Convention Website:
The AHS publishes two issues annually of The Hosta Journal, featuring nearly 100 pages of informative articles and outstanding photographs. Members also receive an annual Online Hosta Journal and quarterly E-Newsletters. The American Hosta Society conducts an annual hosta popularity poll, hosta performance ratings, and a photo contest. Membership dues are $30 (individual) and $34 (family) per year. eMembership is $12 and entitles members to online access only to The Hosta Journal, the Members Only section, eligibility to purchase a member-only hosta every year, and more. Visit the AHS website to learn more.
Membership Secretary
Barry Ankney
AHS Membership Secretary
P.O. Box 7407
Villa Park, IL 60181-7407
(309) 678-4119

Region 3 AHS (Dixie)
Region 3 membership is automatic if you are a member of AHS and reside in one of the following states: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, or Virginia. Click here for the Region 3 website.
In 2025, the Georgia Hosta Society will host the Dixie Regional Meeting on Saturday, September 13th. Come back for more details.

The Hosta Registry
This site can answer all your questions about registering hosta cultivars. And you can use the site to find out if a hosta that interests you is registered, its potential size, parentage, who the hybridizer is, and when it was registered. Gayle Hartley Alley is the International Registrar for the Genus Hosta. She can be reached by email. Click here for the website.

Hosta Library
This site is filled with many thousands of photos of hosta plants, leaf close-ups, and flower scapes, plus additional hosta information. Click here for the website.