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Selected Highlights
Providing Interest in the Winter Shade Garden I and II
Harold McDonell
January and March 2018
Harold's two articles, accompanied by lovely in situ photographs, discuss a dozen evergreen perennials that perform well in his Zone 7b/8a garden in Fayetteville, Georgia. As Harold suggests, adding some of these plants can add a lively bit of green to a dormant hosta garden.
Protecting Hostas from Frost Damage
C.H. Falstad
March 2018
C.H. offers a thorough review of preventing frost damage, including the roles of plant placement, plant nutrition, and hydration. The piece also features a comparison of the effectiveness of various covering materials in avoiding damage.
TC (Tissue Culture) vs. OS (Originator’s Stock)
Ray Rodgers
March 2017
Ray provides an explanation of two terms that are key to hosta propagation that produces true replicate plants, and he discusses the impact of TC and OS on the cost and availability of hosta varieties.
A Tale of Guacamole Rising
Mary Lepore
January 2017
Mary tells her tale of coping with the flooding caused by an adjoining development, detailing the remaking of her garden to alleviate the drainage issue and sharing her techniques for salvaging an extensive hosta collection of large mature clumps.
Combatting Foliar Nematodes: Treatment Protocol
Warren I. Pollock
October 2016
Warren presents, simply yet comprehensively, the valuable findings of the American Hosta Society Foliar Nematode Research Project and the resulting protocol for treatment with NEMAKILL®.
Ribbons! More Ribbons!
Sandra Bussell
September 2016
Taking a look at the entries in the 2016 GHS Juried Hosta Show, Sandra points out some of the Section Classes in which the competition hasn't been as intense and therefore might be considered by folks looking to increase their odds of picking up some ribbons. She then offers suggestions for the acquisition of hostas in these under-represented classes.
Georgia Hosta Notes
With each issue, this quarterly treat turns the spotlight on several hosta varieties for a closer look. The periodical also offers feature articles focused specially on the challenges and opportunities of gardening with hostas in our local areas. The President’s message and the Editor’s notes offer timely commentary from hosta enthusiasts with enormous depth of knowledge in the field. As the official publication of the GHS, Georgia Hosta Notes includes event details, member notes, and of course the meeting minutes. Please click here for a sample issue of Georgia Hosta Notes in PDF format.